What Are You Really Hungry For?

Remember when you were a kid and you only stopped to eat when you were starving, because you were always too busy playing?

You ate to refuel, and stopped when you were full.

This is the natural way of being. Of being connected to our bodies, and listening to their signals. When food was just something you ate for energy again, for nourishment- so that you could get back to the important things.

As we grow up, our relationship to food changes. It becomes conditioned, habitual, disconnected.

Rather than something to be enjoyed, savoured, appreciated, and energy-giving, Food can become a way to unwind, relax, numb.

We over eat because we are scared, lonely, anxious, ____________. We over eat because we are trying to fill a void.

We are so disconnected from our food that we only worry about if it tastes good. Not if your body actually needs that, wants that, will digest/assimilate/eliminate that well, if it will re-fuel you and energize you.

So the question is, what are you hungry for?

and no, this isn’t about food 😉

what can you do to give yourself what you need?

Be it some creative time, alone time, a walk without distractions, a good cry, talk with a dear friend, whatever you need to do that you are trying to stuff away with food- and pay attention to your body’s signals.


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